Get Involved

Be a part of Something Extraordinary!

Get Involved with Space Apps Challenge Charlotte

The Space Apps Challenge Charlotte is where creativity meets technology, bringing together people of all ages to solve real-world challenges. There are many ways you can contribute to the success of this event and help us inspire innovation in our community.

Explore how you can get involved:

1. Volunteer, Mentor, or Join Our Newsletter

Whether you want to volunteer at the event, mentor participants, or simply stay informed, you can sign up through our unified form. Volunteers and mentors are essential to the success of the challenge, while our newsletter keeps you updated on all things Space Apps Charlotte.

Sign Up to Volunteer, Mentor, or Join the Newsletter

2. Register as a Participant

Join the challenge! Whether you’re a seasoned coder, a creative thinker, or simply curious about space and technology, this event is for you. Collaborate with others, learn new skills, and contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Register as a Participant

3. Become a Sustaining Donor

Your support makes all the difference! By donating just $5 a month, you can help ensure the continued success of the Space Apps Challenge Charlotte. And if you invite five of your friends to do the same, the collective impact will be even more meaningful. Small contributions add up quickly, allowing us to provide essential resources, prizes, and opportunities for participants to innovate and excel.

Become a Sustaining Donor